
Monday 5 December 2011



Welcome one and all to my own little corner of the internet. As my profile states I'm on my way to becoming an animator. I've studied the wonderful craft at Qantm College here in Sydney for the last couple of years. Having now had experience in 3D modeling/sculpting, texturing, and general animating I am moving on to doing Advanced Character Animation through Animation Mentor!

I was super excited to find out that I made the cut (200 applicants worldwide get in) into what looks to be a fantastic program. If anyone wants to know what the school is all about and how it works I'd encourage you to totally check it out here.

I've always found great joy in bringing ideas and characters to life, and this is just the most expressive medium. It truly is an art that is greater than the sum of its parts, something that can make you laugh,cry, gasp and wonder...
I truly believe everyone has their own voice, and this is definitely how I want mine to be heard.

So I have made this space for others to check out my progress through the weekly assignments and my improvements as I get advice and guidance from the worlds top animators. I'll be posting sketches and videos of my work, and any awesome inspirations I find along the way!

The next year and half is going to be amazing, fun and challenging and I would like to thank you for joining me on my journey!

Dries :)