
Monday 21 May 2012

Jump, Hop and Leap

Heya! There has once again been a bit of a gap in updates, but always for the right reasons; ) Have been hard work and facing all the challenges of keeping my head on straight as I worked through my shot and started a new one, whilst having the most fun I can mostly have at the same time.

Whilst keeping a very close eye on my video reference that I shared and the planning I had as a foundation I went into blocking out the shot with the intention of really pushing the poses and making good use of the spine throughout the motion to make it nice and dramatic where I could.

After getting my scene in place and getting a sense for the timing and the rapid motions that I have going, I really started getting into adding a bunch more frames and actually doing alot of leg work due to the fact that I was essentially working no more than two frames apart. So almost traditionally. This means I got to put in as much information myself and letting the computer do little to no smoothing and calculating without my help this time around.

The main points I addressed while working towards having all my inbetweens in place was dialling down some of the floppyness in the spine and head, as well as fixing that last anticipation into the final jump.

Getting the snappyness going out of the jumps and into the landings to contrast with the nice hangtime as the character arcs over in the air really made this a fun exercise. This made me less fearful of trying something a little different in terms of the characters attitude to what he is doing with his body.

And yes I gave him a speedo haha

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