
Sunday 5 February 2012

Devastated Stu

As you could possibly guess we got a pose for week 5 as well!
The emotion we're communicating this time is devastation. The things I tried to keep in mind for this pose were thoughts of being broken down, hurt, thrown aside, discarded or even abused in some way. All very depressing, but very powerful and definitely very inspiring. Here are some doodles I got down quickly before I really dove into it
Admittedly no.4 doesn't appear to be the standout, but I knew I could really push some things and get out of it what I intended. And rather selfishly I also felt it had the most me in it haha
You could almost imagine someone saying to him "Stu your head is freaking huge, you must hate yourself..?!"

Jokes aside, I tried to really make him unable to support himself anymore (hence the railing) as if the life is being sucked or stolen from him for some big reason. His right leg dragging, almost like it's dead and getting him real low for that sense of desparation. Composition wise, both the railing and his shadow draws the eye right back to Stu with his head in hand. This was intentional; )

1 comment:

  1. At a first glance I would have chosen figure 1, but thanks to your explanation, I totally get figure 4. The fact that you added the railing in stead of just a vertical structure, does enhance the impact. Like it!
