
Sunday 5 February 2012

Lots of Things to Look At!

Hey Guys,

Haven't found the gap in the last few weeks to make a post since I've been rather busy and I kept postponing,also had my birthday last tuesday and made some great memories during the week. But I have not forgotten you! so let us play a little catchup and see where I'm at.

So week 3 we started jumping into themed poses and got to hopping with our first bouncing ball. Appropriately enough the theme for the pose was excitement woo. Here are a few of the sketches I jotted down for it.

Was definetely interesting trying to convey an emotion without facial expression, and I think I was definetely challenged again by Stu's massive head as far as translating the drawn poses to CG is concerned, ecspecially getting the silhouette and negative space correct. Lets see how my jumping for joy no.7 went!

I was very pleased with the outcome as was Bryan in seeing how I'm getting more comfortable pushing my poses and getting cleaner flow and arcs with the spine,arms and legs. He also pointed out it would make a fantastic urgent run if the right arm was brought down and back. Maybe for my future run cycle, could be very fun!

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