
Sunday 5 February 2012

A Little Stretched

I was a little Squashed and Stretched last week, what with having my birthday and a range of celebrating times. It was all special and unforgettable, but I was still an eager beaver and turned out to be rather ambitious in what I wanted this week!

We had to animate a ball going through an obstacle course of our choosing (or making), this week incorporating squash and stretch as the ball builds and releases energy. It was a lot of fun to play with, but also proved difficult as working in the graph editor (where you basically change different curves on a graph to determine how certain values change from any given frame to another) didn't give me the resultsI wanted.

I resorted to doing frame by frame animating for alot of it to try and get the spacing correct. I really enjoyed giving the ball more a mind of it's this time round and working out the timing of the paddle giving it a whack. In hindsight I would do something simpler, but I would not give up the learning experience I had last week. I did gain alot of insight, and it does not look too terrible.


  1. I really liked the maze, had to watch it a few times to see exactly how everything works. Good work!

  2. It looks good. It still amazes me how much work and thought goes into a six second clip!
